Sunday, January 25, 2009

Up on all fours!!!!!!

Cooper is growing up before my eyes. It is funny how you think you know what people mean when they tell you that it goes by so fast, but witnessing it first hand is unbelievable. I am so amazed at what he learns everyday. He is up on all fours now, eight months old. At the beginning of the week he got up once, then the next day maybe twice. Now just under a week he is a little pro doing it all the time. It is just really neat to be a mommy, more and more everyday. He said da da first. We know he doesnt know what it means yet, but Brett is very happy about it. And so am I, for awhile there I thought he may just scream at me forever, but he finally started babbling goo goo and all the rest that somes with that. No ma ma yet, but it will come. He really is the sweetest, best natured baby and I am truly grateful for that.

Look at those cute toes!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Christmas in Atlanta

Christmas in Charlotte, TN part one

Christmas in Charlotte, TN part two

It was Cooper's first Christmas with the Petty clan in Charlotte. For those of you not in the know, The Petty family has a Christmas party every year. The children are given stockings stuffed by all of the aunts and uncles. This has been going on my whole life and then some I assume. Needless to say I was terribly excited that I, I mean Cooper, was getting a stocking this year! Cooper had a great time and played until he was almost asleep sitting up. Boy was it hard to wrangle all of those kids for a picture!


Cooper mastered the art of the pouty lip from day one. It is the cutest thing and we finally caught it on camera. How can you not pick that sweet baby up?


Cooper is so lucky to have such a wonderful family. He really loved meeting Bushi & Grampa. We visited Grampa at the hospital and boy does he have a big group visiting! This was Cooper's first Thanksgiving and he was a fan of the mashed potatoes. Gretchen and Bushi look like they have their hands full!!!

First trip to Michigan!!!!!!!!!

Cooper had a really great time in Michigan. He really loved the whole family, and I am pretty sure he made a good impression on them too. Cooper really enjoyed his cousin Alec's toys. He really appreciated Alec letting him borrow these things. And Cooper can always count on Aunt DeeDee to pinch those cheeks! Daddy, are you trying to tell him where the big fish are allready????

Cooper's First Sickness:-(

Sorry it has been so long since I have updated. Cooper and working full time really is hard work. I will definately try harder to keep things updated better from now on.

On to what has been going on. Poor Cooper had a respiratory infection. Thankfully MaMaw was in town to help out. He had to use a nebulizer which is a machine that puts out a vapor through this little mask Cooper is wearing. As you can see he was a little trooper about the whole thing. And of course what was the first thing he did? Tried to eat the steam.