Cooper is so lucky to have such a wonderful family. He really loved meeting Bushi & Grampa. We visited Grampa at the hospital and boy does he have a big group visiting! This was Cooper's first Thanksgiving and he was a fan of the mashed potatoes. Gretchen and Bushi look like they have their hands full!!!
Sorry it has been so long since I have updated. Cooper and working full time really is hard work. I will definately try harder to keep things updated better from now on.
On to what has been going on. Poor Cooper had a respiratory infection. Thankfully MaMaw was in town to help out. He had to use a nebulizer which is a machine that puts out a vapor through this little mask Cooper is wearing. As you can see he was a little trooper about the whole thing. And of course what was the first thing he did? Tried to eat the steam.