Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ride that horsey!!

See what happens when Grandma comes to town? Poor little Chevy got turned into Cooper's little horsey. Chevy is a very good sport about these kinds of things.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cooper's First Smile!!!!!

Chevy made Cooper smile for the first time. He was trying to lick Cooper's face and Cooper thought that was very funny!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cooper is now a month old

Cooper is growing so fast on me! He weighs in at 10 pounds and 4 ounces and is 21 inches long now. He is becoming more and more alert and really likes to look at things other than the lights now. He grabs hold of Mommy's hair and our shirt collars and there is a hint of a smile when we talk to him. Not quite there but expect to see his first smile soon!

Daddy's first Father's Day

Daddy figured out how to hold Cooper and still play his video games. It was a happy day for all! We went to eat at Fudd Ruckers and enjoyed a day of strolling around the mall. It was Cooper's first real outing and he slept through it all.

Mommy is teaching him about racing!